The present Century, that begin with the dawn of the year 2001, is being termed as the 21st century characterised by a world dominated by digital technology and it requires appropriate skills-set and competencies to address its challenges. Consequently, both the education system and job markets are reimagining and redefining the academic and life skills for the societal institutions to get their students ready for successful life in the changed world scenario.
According to the Delors Report (1996) of the UNESCO, the competencies for the 21st century are required to be based on the following four pillars of education: Learning to Know; Learning to Do; Learning to Be and Learning to Live Together. While, later,
Wagner (2010) suggests that educational institution would have to now develop skills of critical thinking and problem solving; collaboration and leadership; agility and adaptability; initiative and entrepreneurialism; effective oral and written communication; accessing and analysing information; and curiosity and imagination
Also, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) skills would be required with a pedagogic practice that emphasizes interdisciplinary, real-world problem-solving, and inquiry-based learning to foster critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration as per an AI overview. Further, STEM pedagogy is supposed to emphasizes learner agency and peeragogy to make learners take ownership of their learning.
Thus, STEM education aims at developing students' ability to apply STEM knowledge and skills in real-world contexts and problems, rather than just memorization the content. A STEM educator is meant to encourage students to undertake collaborative projects for viable solution to develop a deeper understanding of STEM concepts by accessiong in information from various resources including modern digital resources such as internet, simulations and software