On the basis of the work done by Dr Lalit Kishore and its citation in various documents as listed below[1], he has proposed a school based model with a centrality of resource based learning by students and support system for teacher development.
Resources for learning could be the library, computer room, A-V room, community skills and local environmental resources.
The following elements and strategies are necessary for change-making and make-over success
Creation of a teacher and resource development unit through a academic leader as project holder
The classroom setting should be the text and visual codes rich with display of teachers’ and students’ on-going learning
Three stage learning consisting of teacher-directed learning; peer-group learning; and individual learning stages should be transacted
Curriculum should be designed as 20-25 'learning levels' as per the prescribed syllabus for each subjects for primary, middle and senior school
Freedom of pace and style of learning of child be afforded through formative continuous progress system
Periodic creation of school based learning material for each level through in-house workshops and review workshops
Multigrade teaching in single teacher primary schools https://unesdoc.unesco.org › ark:
Asia and the Pacific Programme of Educational innovation for Development Multigrade Teaching in Single Teacher Prima;' Schools UNESCO PRINCIPAL REGIONAL ...
Stepping into Science in Small Schools: Together with Tools ...http://web.gnowledge.org › pro_pdfs › 31-lalitPDF
by L Kishore · Cited by 6 — Stepping into Science in Small Schools: Together with Tools,. Techniques and Toys. Lalit Kishore. Centre for Unfolding Learning Pontentials, Jaipur, India.
Small NGO Schools in India - UCL Discoveryhttps://discovery.ucl.ac.uk › ...PDF
small schools and multigrade teaching and learning (see ... international aid agencies working in India, such as UNESCO and UNICEF (cf. Shukla 1999; Kishore ...
15 pages
Book Review: Practical Tips for Teaching Multigrade Classeshttp://sportsnews.merinews.com › article › book-review...
05-Jan-2018 — Dr. Lalit Kishore ... According UNESCO, the education in schools has be quality education for all through handling multigrade schools ...
Learning and teaching in multigrade settings - CiteSeerXhttps://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu › viewdoc › downloadPDF