Social pedagogy of spirituality: A sketch note and its ABCs
~Lalit Kishore
A sketch note on social pedagogy of spirituality

ABCs of social pedagogy of spirituality
A: Adapting cultural values of the community with intrinsic spiritual values with classroom processes
B: Basing inter-relations with the view of the presence of the spirit/ divinity/ supreme consciousness, something greater that one-self among people and the community
C: Centrality of development of social awareness of the values that unity in diversity or solidarity, web-of-relationships, mutual support and magnanimity
D: Devising classroom activities on positive psychology and being mutually supportive that promotes cooperative learning and self-study
E: Evolving oneself to higher levels of cognition such self-awareness, self-motivation, self-actualization and self-realisation with a sense of service to others by care and share