The book review of book on feminism was published in merinews [1] (Dr. Lalit kishore; Thu, Apr 22, 2010; 15:52:25 IST). Since the portal has been discontinued, the book review (Views: 105; Comments: 1) is being reproduced
The book review goes as follows
Feminists are not bra-burning, man-hating and family-destroying women, says the book titled 'Some questions on Feminism and its Relevance in South Asia.'
“IN INDIA, the sex ratio continues to become more adverse for women, which means more women and girls fail even to survive. Several million girls continue to be killed by patriarchal neglect, discrimination and violence,” informs the book titled ‘Some questions on Feminism and its Relevance in South Asia.’
A small book of about 50 pages, authored by Kamala Bhasin and Nighat Said Khan explains what feminism stands for and how to move towards gender equity in society.
The authors hold that the present day feminism was a struggle to achieve gender equality, dignity and freedom of choice for women. They further add that both for women and men alike, feminism was both a personal and inner struggle as well as its public manifestation for the attainment of women’s rights.
Published by a Delhi-based NGO called ‘Kali for Women’, the book explains well the basic aspects of feminism and clarifies the public misconceptions about feminists. It is a valuable book for the people involved in gender sensitive planning of activities and organizing gender audits.
[1] Kishore, L. (2010). Some questions on feminism and its relevance in South Asia, merinews, Apr 22