As the we celebrate the World Book Day (April 23) there is a need to stress the need of 'book therapy' in special schools for children with mild mental disorders,
The use of using reading as a therapy is technically known as 'bibliotherapy' or 'book therapy' under which some techniques as spoken word art therapy, poetry therapy, graphic or picture reading or therapeutic storytelling are common for purpose of well-being and healing.
Trained therapists selects the content of books, poetry, illustrations or specially written words as therapy for therapeutic the treatment of depression and emotional disorders.
In special schools, often librarians receive training in bibliotherapy techniques. In the US, many hospitals are making use of bibliotherapy principles and practice for adding faster healing of patients
A trained bibliotherapist through designed intervention creates an effective interaction between the personality of the client and literature for his or her personal assessment, adjustment, and growth. After a few sessions, the process and the protocol is handed over to the client for self-administered treatment in which designed and structured reading material become means to alleviate distress or mitigate the emotional disorder.
A psychotherapist or clinical psychologist trained in bibliotherapy use relevant books selected clients context and condition to design a planned reading to facilitate the recovery of patients suffering from ailment with complications, mental illness such as depression and anxiety or emotional disturbance.
Often a three-phase therapeutic process is followed consisting of steps of diagnosis of the client on the disorder and his or her personal identification with a particular character in some piece of literature; guided reading sessions for psychological catharsis and self-adminstered reading material with thinking exercises and discussions till reasonable solution is reached.
It has been found that the use of bibliotherapy in mental health programs using structured material that employs positive emotions triggering texts and coupling them
established affective treatment techniques and cognitive behavioral therapy The trained therapist crates empathy with a story's character for catharsis with feeling of hope, thereby, affecting release emotional tension and negative feeling.