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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

STEM Education Be Made Gender Accommodative and Inclusive:, advocates Kishore

According to Jaipur based educator and researcher, Dr Lalit Kishore - whose work on gender inclusive STEM education and initiatives have been recognized and honoured with Findel-Castme Award, and included in courseware of higher education and has also been mentioned by researchers and cited  by them  -  says that there is a need to adjust STEM courses in the ways the females learn the best.

Females are right hemispheric and learn best when non-linear learning methods like cooperative learning and graphically organized textual material is transacted in an emotive and supportive learning environment. Currently, both the structure of STEM texts is masculine which is supported by competitive learning environment and linear-logical narrative. This masculine STEM education mould is needed to be broken to draw more girls and women to STEM courses and occupations. What is good for females is equally good for males but not the vice-versa, advocates Kishore.


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