In the present context of COVID-mandated and digital technology-driven new normals, require us to switch over a new way of blended learning. teachers are needed to be trained for better voice and gesturing for improving their communication skills during on-line presentations as well as during video and voice calls.
Short courses in 'voice acting' and 'verbal performance' are required to be conducted for classroom teachers to enhance their verbal intelligence and emergent communication skills. Getting one's vocal range diagnosed, and undergoing voice coaching to acquire an effective and rich voice within one's vocal range has become essential. Much of vocal training should focus on improving the quality notes at the top and bottom of one's vocal range first as part emergent life skill.
Relax your jaws and practice sight reading of the passages or reciting of short poems from your course-ware and hum them. Give a pause to breath at a punctuation in prose and at line-breaks in poetry. Practice pause without breathing at word-clusters beginning with propositions.
For making your jaws and tongue flexible, exercise jaws through drop-closing and opening; pointing out and pulling in the tongue; touching tongue to the upper teeth and top and bottom lips; rubbing tongue-tip on top and bottom gum ridge; touching the hard palate with tip of tongue. Do it every morning each exercise at least five times.
Also, indulge in yawn in the morning and evening as a voice exercise and always make it part of your voice warm-up. Also, do a few breathing yoga exercises related to deep breathing from the diaphragm to overcome shallow and dull throaty voice.
Sip some water before warm up exercises or voice-workouts and after every five minutes of warm up. Throughout the day drink water after every hour
Furthermore, for those who on rely on spoken communication, such as teachers, actors and preachers; they must do daily vocal warm up exercises such as humming, whistling and sirening. One can join some group that carries out group singing as shown the video. One may not become a singer but surely improve the voice. It provides voice training and exercise of diaphragm and vocal cords (see video to gather how group singing is being by imitating the played popular songs with sight reading: NEW PARK MUSICAL GROUP)). The non-music use of group singing has been seen in the form improved voice makeover, voice acting, verbal intelligence, musical intelligence and mental well-being.