Teachers as action researchers: Sketch note, haiku and concluding statement
~Lalit Kishore
Sketch note to read and reflect

Haiku on teacher as action research practitioner
Be active teacher!
Research own actions, get great -
Reflect and improve!
Make action research –
A tool for problem-solving
And get proactive
Examine yourself
Through objective researching
To get dynamic
Improve constantly
Own knowledge, skills, attitudes -
Innovate and try!
Action research is –
Expert practice to perk up
Classroom processes
Concluding statement
For teachers as classroom practitioners, action research is a valid and potent tool of their professional self-development. Action research is now a recognized self-reflective research technique wherein teachers examine and inquire into their own practices to refine their skills to provide better learning experiences to their students. The basic tenet is that improvement among students happens when teachers improve their practice.