The experiments and innovations in teaching of physics have been tried in many countries such as Physical Science Study Course (PSSC) in the USA; Nuffield Foundation Physics Course in the UK; hands-on physics in Russia, which were based on teaching physics as an experiment science with emphasis on experimental science. In India, Mayo College, Ajmer has the Nuffield Physics equipment and kits and the Regional Institute of Education (RIE), Ajmer, has the American and Russian equipment.
The RIE had run three Summer Institutes on Physics Teaching to upgrade the skills the teacher educators on which this blogger worked as visiting fellow from Mayo College, Ajmer for demonstration Nuffield Physics experiments and theory behind the course.
After four decades, I re-experimented the Nuffield Physics Instructional model at Plenum School in Himachal Pradesh, in which the experiment of pendulum was done first and then concept of time measurement was elicited.
The four students of grade nine of Plenum School had the experience of inquiring about the relationship of the time period of oscillation of pendulum with its length, time period, amplitude and mass. It was found that the time period of oscillation of pendulum depends solely on its length. The discussion on the the experiment led to understanding time as concept which was converted to concept matrix graphic as follows.
