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Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

The COVID-19 pandemic crisis: Humanize governance and markets to mitigate crisis


The COVID-19 pandemic crisis-

Forced change in life style

With New Normal -

Mandatory mask-wearing

Periodic hand-washing

Sanitizing surfaces

Safe distancing

Creation of home quarantine rooms

Spells in quarantine rooms

On-line learning

Working from home

Organizing virtual events

Frequent testing-tracing-n-isolation of cases

Vaccine shot and booster shots

All has fallen flat

Due to

Unethical governance

Insensitive markets

Crumbled health management system

Evils-ridden materialistic minds

Rampant joblessness

Excessive privatization

For the powerful

Adversity has come

As new opportunity

To wield more control

To accumulate more wealth

To keep the troubled waters going

To fish and finish humanity

Gross materialists

Soulless political powers

Have joined hands

Through ponzi schemes

Through sponsored social media

To hook-wink and rule


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