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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

Therapeutic art and drawing: A short note, ABC poem and example

Certified art therapists use visual art-making to improve physical, mental and emotional well-being of a person who has been diagnosed by a clinical psychologist for individual's dysfunctions emotional deficits and mental disorders.

The therapeutic art forms are designed interventions to create meaning and correct dysfunctions rather than focusing on the end product.

ABCs of therapeutic art

A: Applied and expert guided art leading to enhanced mental and social wellbeing

B: Boosting self-esteem, emotional stability and social skills through art elements

C: Creating own art or exploring art of others under the guidance of a certified and licensed therapist

D: Designed artwork intervention and experiences after diagnosing attitude, feelings and emotional distortions

E: Exploring emotions and new meaning of life

Psychic and spiritual drawings do not have conventional rules for drawing but they draw aura graphs around some simple representations for psychic communication to which is more client specific rather that relying on generalities.

Therapeutic and psychic art work is intuitive, subjective and often abstract. Art work is done in any way one feels feel best. In such art, the subjective meaning of the content is more important than the form or the art piece itself. In fact, that creator is meant to interpret the drawing or art piece and discuss it for therapist to get insights he or she needs.

The freedom to draw as one like since the assumption is that nothing in nature is perfect meaning thereby that lines are not always straight and circles are not always round and one is allowed to draw patterns with your with pens or pencils in one or multiple colours to represent things intuitively. the combination of patterns and shapes reveal feelings and emotions The psychic drawings are more like doodles that one produces as one’s psychic intuition flows.

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