On June 21, in some parts of India, a rare celestial event of annular solar eclipse is going to occur. In Haryana, Yamunanagar town residents and astronomy enthusiasts are going to witness the event of 'ring of fire' from their house-tops with filters, inform my kin.
The fair in Kurukshetra on the occasion of solar eclipse has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic
The NASA has created an eclipse related website, which can be visited for details since it has an interactive map of the rare event using Google Maps.
"This interactive Google map shows the path of the Annular Solar Eclipse of 2020 Jun 21 . The northern and southern path limits are blue and the central line is red. You MUST be somewhere within the central path (between the blue lines) to see the annular phase of the eclipse," informs the site.
Some enthusiasts are going to take to photographing and video-graphing the event and tips are given in inset visual which was created earlier by me.