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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

Tips to try hand on star effect photography of bright sources of light

The star-burst or flares from bright objects like the sun, head lights, point-sources og lights , wick-flames, torches and bulbs can produce stunning photographs with proper depth and camera setting.

When camera setting is changed to wider aperture, it amplifies the size of the star-burst effects.

Also, proper zoom-in for the sun peeping through tree leaves can produce better star effects

One can make the star effects larger by zooming in but still better is the combination of larger aperture and zoom-in.

For direct star-burst of the sun, the presence of thin clouds, haze, smoke, fog, mist conditions are helpful.

Moreover, star-effect filter options are available for direct photographs of the sun or one can go for and post processing or editing through software to produce such effects.

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