Though it is impossible to remove all the vagueness from the language of physics because of the diversity of linguistic experiences, however, it is appropriate to be conscious of lexical precision of physics communication and keep on improving it. At higher education level, research level and super-specialization level, the terminology becomes almost completely out of daily life context which highly sophisticated, exclusive and highly technical.
At the senior secondary level and onward, students are required to be made conscious to a semantic shift in which common name relationship cannot be found but now the communication is purely in the language of physics alone, completely devoid of any metaphorical meanings and common life meanings.
In physics, every term, concept, principle and law is needed to defined or stated precisely with a semantic and lexicographic precision. Therefore, it becomes necessary to have a glossary of terms and the library must have the dictionaries of science and encyclopedias.
The topic research introduced at the senior secondary level physics, is meant to combine the guided learning of language of physics along with accessing at least three sources of information. However, the problem is that of development of the language of physics instructors themselves.
It has been pointed out by John McClain that both physics teachers and students in good majority view force as a property of an object rather than an interaction between two objects' and there is need to conceptualize 'force' as the doer of the action rather than the action itself.
One way to have chapter-wise exposure to glossary is to create and solve crossword puzzles which clues given with lexical precision (see inset collage)