Through meaningless and random strings, lines and curls, one can create abstract and interesting images. At times, to give a break to linear logical and conventionally trained thinking mind, we should indulge in the area of random miniature artwork to re-activate visual centres of our brain.
In the area of digital art, enthusiasts have developed art generator tools based on random functional expressions. In other words, the computer has been enabled to generate random art pieces by putting different values in the variables in the functions created for random art. Internet informs that the 'digital random art, was developed by Andrej Bauer with an idea of generating artistic images automatically which is based on the precepts of genetic art advocated by Michael Witbrock and John Mount.

It has been found that the artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies are providing computers more autonomy in producing images by writing algorithms without imposing rules but generating aesthetically sound abstract images.
The expanding knowledge in area of visual arts based upon reproducing of the image as an expressive art that is consciously created through some relevant visual skill or imagination. The term 'visual art', thus, encompasses diverse media. Under AI, computer are being enabled to have a vision, called computer vision, as a subset of AI to make machines visually enabled to analyze and understand images along with generating digitally modified images.
Here the an illustration of random art that won recognition from ART HOUSE group.
