Movement therapists and physio-therapists hold that by the age of three, child must be formally trained in dynamic tripod grasp that is helpful for fine motor skill helpful to hold writing utensils and marking surfaces to be able to write and draw visual and abstract symbols properly.
writing utensils, such as brush, chalk, pen and pencil, are to be held properly (with index and middle fingers and thumb) to work with them. Train the child for two things for proper dynamic tripod grasp
Holding the writing utensil with index and middle fingers and thumb.
Performing pencil movement s from the two fingers, resulting in dynamic control of the writing utensil.
For a dysgraphic child, first 30-hour training on tripod grasp should be tried under the guidance of the a therapist or expert educator. If that does not work, the following grasps should be tried for proper development wrist gross muscles for writing..
The collage here shows the common unconsciously acquired grasps for diagnosis so the correction can be planned and executed for right grasp and fine motor skills for writing.

For training and toning fine motor muscles of dominant hand, the thickness of the writing utensil should be adjusted along placement of the middle and index fingers with marks, grooves or roughness after study and diagnosis of fingers of the dominant hand.