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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

Travel to learn: Vietnamese proverbs as folk wisdom and teachers of social values

It is often said that traveling, as against touring, is one of life’s greatest teachers. Traveling is capable of revealing the beauty of various cultures with patience and humility. During traveling one is needed to enjoy experiences over things, comforts, gratifications, amusements and entertainment. A true traveler forms strong bonds with people, learn about new cultures, explores different local customs and traditions, sharpens social skills, forms broader world views to create lasting memories.

Albert Einstein had once said, "Just because we’ve left school doesn’t mean our education stops. Learning keeps us young, and travel is one of the greatest teachers of all. Travel inspires a sense of wonder and discovery, and there’s an entire world of things to do and people to meet. You could explore a forest or walk down a new street. Try a different cuisine or learn about another culture. When you travel, you never stop learning."

Seven years ago, I traveled Vietnam (see inset collage) and tried to learn about some common proverbs. Vietnamese folk wisdom, like any other culture, comes from its proverbs.

Whatever, I could gather, I converted them into haiku.

Haiku on Vietnamese Proverbs

Avoid tit for tat

An eye for an eye makes both blind

Endure, remain good

Learn from hard, harsh times

Hard time's mother of wisdom

Become down to earth

Good, kind deeds matter

Not the good looks and figure

Grace comes from within

Harm watch is harm catch

See only goodness in all

Value diversity

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