Prayer Therapy is psycho-social intervention for emotional and mental wellbeing or correcting speech as a clinically administered treatment under the guidance of a certified therapist or trusted spiritual coach.
The conventional therapy used external means to mitigate the disorder or heal. However, prayer therapy mobilises inner feeling states in the presence of a trusted therapist.
For some people who are thrown into a crisis often find it too painful or life threatening to handle alone, prayer therapy from a certified and reputed therapist, psychologist or psychiatrist.
The use of prayer to change human behaviour is nothing to with religion since it is designed intervention for those who suffer with ‘rejection syndrome’.
It is held that the altered consciousness heals up people who think things have turned hopeless. Hopelessness is the 'broken heart emotional condition' which can be changed through soulful prayer.
1. Blessing seeking prayer
2. Repentance prayer
3. Gratitude prayer
4. Supplication prayer
Generally, therapist procedurally guides the client through the designed prayer as treatment or healing method for medical or psychological conditions that strives to