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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

Two-word line poems are pedagogically sound at foundational stage: A short note & an exemplar poem

The two-word per line poem have been found suitable for language learning at foundational stage of learning. I often call such poems 'pedagogical poem' since they build related vocabulary about the a thing without much cognitive load or irrelevant word load which is not appropriate to the age-grade level as often found in conventional rhymes.

Research has also shown the conventional rhymes are written in a literary way as a demonstration of language art of adults and work as incomprehension load through they are able to recite them mechanically and sheer imitative learning forced on them.

Poem characteristics

The attributes of a two-word per line poem are as follows.

The title situates on a specific thing or a concept

  • The first line gives us an action or a close-up or part

  • The second line provides a quality, an attribute or a metaphorical transformation

An example

The following picture gives an example such a poem on cat or billi.

Linkage to visual symbolization

The following example of successive drawing of the face of the cat brain-fully or mindfully related the abstract symbol with the visual symbol.

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