ABCs of 'Gender Concept' based on information collated by WHO[1] on 'gender and health'
A: Ascribing norms, behaviours, roles and relationships associated with being a woman, man, girl or boy by society's dominant group
B: Barriers, biases, restrictive and discriminatory behaviours often indulged by men and boys leading to lack of mobility; access to decision-making power; lower literacy rates; discriminatory attitudes of communities and healthcare providers towards females or gender inequity
C: Culturally and social ascribed roles or characteristics of males and females - women, men, girls, boys and people with diverse gender identities
D: Different from sex (concept based on biological and physiological characteristics of females, males and intersex persons) attributed to variations of chromosomes, hormones and reproductive organs
E: Equality, equity and justice at the social level is adversely affected by social construct of gender
Read the sketch note carefully to get a hang of the gender concept.
