According to the advocates and supporters of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, the policy focuses on a comprehensive and all-round education for a full human potential development of students and formation of a just society through character building. They hold that the policy emphasizes development of cognitive, emotional, social, ethical, moral abilities along with employable skills of students.
However, there is a need for clarity about concept of character education or else it will be the 'old wine with new label,'
Here is skech note on character education.
ABCs of Character Education
A: Action taken by the institution and families to understand and regulate feelings, thoughts, and actions into pro-social and ethical behaviour of learners.
B: Behaviour inculcation with understanding through discussions and reflection on universal ethical values to lead a righteous and discerning life
C: Character consists of acquisition and application of ethical pro-social skills as spontaneous actions in society
D: Development of character can be done both explicitly through short term modules on ethics and pro-social skills as well as implicitly by integrating values in the existing curricula by cooperative and collaborative instructional techniques
E: Evolution that is inner and personal by imbibing and actualizing universal ethical values of respecting diversity, inclusion, equity by being just and fair for their own worth