
Research has become a subject of study itself with the emergence of new research areas, methods, techniques and tools of researching.In social sciences, which consist of many extremely soft sciences. Consequently, the use of empirical-quantitative and hypothesis-based linear logical methods have been found to be riddled with gender bias. This led to emergence of 'feminist research' which is needed to be understood by researches and research-users as an addition to the family of research methods.
Furthermore, in qualitative research related to social sciences mixed study designs are being used to get a better understanding of research problems and eliciting broader implications of research findings. Feminist research is being used by researchers as a qualitative research methodology to get better insight into gender related issues.
Feminist research as a concept
Here is a concept note on feminist research to get literate about this emergent qualitative research method in social sciences. Any concept consists of at least of at least two cognitive aspects: (i) the class to which the nomenclature belongs; and (ii) its main, more than three, characteristics.
Here is a concept note on feminist research
(i) Classification
Class to which concept label belongs
~Qualitative research
Specific sub-class label
~Feminist research
(ii) Characterization
Inter-sectional with gender as cross-cutting issue
De-emphasizing empiricism in research
Emphasizing qualitative gender-related postmodernism research with mixed methods
Reviewing research in social sciences terms of addressed gender issues
Capturing lived experiences of women
Analyzing gender bias, oppression, equity and imbalanced power relationships
Implicating for advocacy, awareness raising, equity, inclusion, reflexivity, collaboration and social transformation