The spiritual glossary at the end of the booklet ‘How to Change Others’ published by the Yogoda Satsanga Society of India’ define Karma and its spiritual tenet as: “ (Karma is the) Effect of past actions, from this or previous lifetimes. The law of karma is that of action and reaction, cause and effect, sowing and reaping. By their thoughts and actions, human beings become the moulders of their own destinies. Whatever energies a person has set into motion, wisely or unwisely, must return to the person as their starting point, like a circle inexorably completely itself. An individual’s Karma follows him or her from incarnation to incarnation until fulfilled or spiritually transcended.”
Here are a few haiku to recite and reflect on to understand action-reaction cyclic trap.
React not to others
Bother not what others do
Their deeds will pay back
Reflect on your deeds
Do unto others that’s good
In end, good’ll return
To be a good doer
Act to purify yourself
Remove vices, weak points
Reaction ‘s worst karma
React not to break the cycle
Break free , liberate.