The spiritual essence of Lohri festival of the Punjabis and Lal Loi of the Sindhis lies in revering the Goddess of Fire - Goddess Agni
Lohri festival in the North is celebrated to pay respect for to the fertility of the earth and women as well as warmth of the fire and the Sun to support life
Rural folks and farmers celebrate the bounty of harvest and outcome of their hard work through lighting fire, singing and dancing.

Here is an acrostic on LOHRI to understand the essence of Punjabi festival.
Sentence acrostic on LOHRI
L: Lighting of fire to
O: observe festival of
H: Harvest to spread peace and prosperity earned through hard work of cultivation and pay
R: Respect for benevolent Mother Earth, Fire and Sun for supporting life
I: In an environment of sharing and fraternity marked by dancing and singing
Here are two haiku to understand the tenets of revering and worshipping Goddess Agni associated with Lohri.

Bonfire is divine –
The symbol of purity,
Piety and vigour
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Benevolent fire –
Agni is spring of light-n-heat,
Life and existence
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