"A solo board game offers an individualized way of developing language and numeric literacy in a dysgrahic child and a dyslexic child. Playing a solo board games with three cards with 'pick-see-recognise-show-say-place' sequence, helps children with learning disabilities in attentiveness, planning, thinking, and coordinating mind and hand to achieve the learning objectives. It helps children try to learn reading and adopt reading fluency while building social rapport with the teacher through guided learning followed by independent play," states the educator and researcher Lalit Kishore who had been working with a child with dysgraphia for language development for letters N, O and P as shown the collage and the video

Though, some board games are available in the market but they are for normal children and are often used for organising competitions and leisure time activities. For children with learning disabilities board games are needed to be adapted to encourage each individual child to be guided and engaged individually through stimulation of mind towards cognitive gains and behavioural changes.
If adapted and used with a protocol, board games enhance literacy skills, articulation skills, associative memory and literacy skills (Watch the video).