Listening, singing, clapping and moving makes children cognitively and non-cognitively active to discover sounds of a language and make sense. It has been found that singing, clapping and moving not only leads to better development of vocabulary with retention but also provides strong socio-pedagogical basis to learning since it strengthens mutual bonding among teachers and students.

Some of the non-cognitive benefits of clap singing with simple movement can be as follows
Enhances musical intelligence since it involves rhythmic patterns of sounds and their sequencing.
Clapping and movement as percussive beats provide exercise to veins and arteries by stimulates blood circulation
Hand-clapping with singing and movement improve fine and gross motor coordination along with cognitive learning of expressive aspects language such as vocabulary building with retention
Kinestheic, verbal and musical intelligences get developed simultaneously leading mental well-being and whole brain education.
Under the NEP-2020, there is a need of creating clap-singing literature and training of teachers for total development of children in the age group 3 to 7 years since brain is most active and formative at this development stage of children