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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

Use of stick figures can enliven classroom through mental images formation and inclusion

Since most children are visual learners including those who are differently abled of children with special needs, use of stick figures in classroom instruction is essential.

A stick figure is a simple drawing of a person, animal or object which composed of a straight lines, pointed lines, dashes, curves, circles and dots.

In case of human figures, in a stick figure, the head is represented by a circle, while arms, legs and torso are usually represented by straight lines. It is a basic visual-symbolic representation of reality in a semi-concrete way.

These days, stick figures of a large variety of objects and ideas have become a part of pictography as a way of universal communication to create mental images.

The following link and video that shows how a teacher can create a stick figure of a flying bird with letter U of English alphabet.

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