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Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

Use Picasa photo editing software to covert your digital photo into artwork as a beginner

Picasa (Blend of Picaso and Micasa) software is a cross-platform for image organizing and editing of digital photos to make pictures better and as well as to convert them into simple digital artwork - especially for a beginner.

For creating digital artwork with Picasa, I generally follow the following steps.

The first step is that of converting the picture - photo or sketch - into line drawing by [a] transforming the photo into a black-and-white picture and [b] applying the 'pencil sketch' option.

I use it for converting my doodle sketch drawings on any paper piece into simple digital art work.

One can take his or her photographic skills to the next stage of converting the digital pictures into drawing and sketch images to create quick work of art.

The second step is taken after the line drawing has been obtained by [i] making use of 'neon' and [ii] 'heat map' for color manipulations.

At times, HRD-ish is used to make the artwork stand out before framing it.

Here are some examples of my work.

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