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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

Use walking fingers puppets for keeping the fine mortor skills intact as a part of education therapy

Besides providing activities of feeling letters in various ways; use big books and writing big with wet fingers; digging letters in dough or sand; It has been found that ultimately most children with dysgraphia, have to learn through 'seeing, listening and speaking skills' with a stress on phonic method.

However, the getting the shapes of letters into the brain, sensory experiences regarding shapes and structures of alphabet are necessary. Some occupational therapy is required for mastering the 'activities of daily life' for which pinching, turning and grasping skills are required for which hands' and fingers' fine motors to to be developed physical actions through education therapy.

Education therapy activities such as fingers-and-hand play rhymes; stick puppets; walking-finger puppets; hand-mudra yoga; paper folding and rolling up pf paper sheets have been found useful to develop and maintain fine motor actions.

With a dysgraphic child, finger puppet activity was tried and the child found interesting way of exercising fingers. The process consisted of modelling the making of the puppet; demonstration; trials by the child; over learning of forward walking first; four-line rhyme on the puppet and some others.

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