Here is an example of the use of word 'parasite' in a sentence by a student of communicative English being taught through 'Newspaper in Education' technique: "Calling someone a parasite or 'pissu' is hurling the worst insult, and it ill behooves / behoves law makers to use this word for peacefully protesting farmers."

Here are a few quotes on foul mouthing that are helpful for write a passage the topic.
Steve Maraboli,in his work "Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience" projects through a cool character, "I’m not going to tear you down… If you’re bad-mouthing me, you’re already down."
Likewise, Kushand Wizdom says,"Words are free. It's how you use them that may cost you."
There is a famous English proverb which goes as follows: "A good person’s mouth is a clear fountain of wisdom; a foul mouth is a stagnant swamp."