The utterances at the prestigious on-going Indian Science Congress have brought to the fore the spread of pseudo-science in the country which is being cried by the genuine scientists, intellectuals and rationalists
Pseudo-science includes beliefs, theories, or practices that are mistakenly regarded as being based on a process but not verified on basis in scientific facts, evidences or repeated experiments. Genuine science has a scientific method and verifiable results which are subject to further refinement or it may have a theoretical formulation based on logical assumptions subject to experimental verification.
The genuine science needs to be seen as cross of scientific process or method and verifiability which is main attribute of science. The inset graphic illustrates how pseudo-science creates myths and misconception
This could mean they pseudoscience consists ingrained belief system or erroneous statements which refuses to change despite being disproved scientifically due to lack of evidence to support them. Science as discipline in many places is seen as western 'science conspiracy' and mythology is gloried. Pseudo-sciences like astrology, wearing rudarksa necklaces, magnetic wristbands, homeopathy, miracle healing, etc, get promoted by educated and well placed people.
In India, counter-culture and rejectionist movement against genuine science has increased in the public domain. People who lack scientific temper and rationality make erroneous and preposterous statements to create myths and misconceptions. Even many scientists after picked up degrees through rote learning and mechanical ways without knowing the nature of science, when they make pseudo-scientific statements, it should opposed tooth and nail by genuine scientists.
In this last few years, in the name of Vedic Science and Mathematics, the academia has been divided and now the dominant group has been making pseudo-scientific statements linking the content of ancient scriptures, mythology, religious practices, codes of living and history science to covert it into scientism. Otherwise, science as a discipline developed by humans universally will suffer a setback and put democracy at stake, feel many. Even, various conferences are not following a strict review procedure for presentations and papers leading to all kind of crap being said in the conferences.