What is self-awareness all about: Non-poem
To be self-aware
Is to get objectively diagnosed
To know strengths, challenges, needs and feelings
To understand one's uniqueness
To seek support to thrive
To be self-aware is
To articulate how you perceive yourself
To find out how others perceive you
To understand others' strengths and feelings
To respect their uniqueness
To celebrate diversity
To be self-aware is
To understand how one's behaviour affects others
To be willing to learn from mistakes
To be ready to amend behaviour
To become desirable
To enhance self-worth
Schools and caregivers
In partnership are needed
To help the child through designed curriculum
To enhance self-awareness skills
To relate to self and others
To acquire appropriate manners
To abide by agreed norms
To be mutually respectful and helpful
The non-competitive games
The cooperative learning group tasks
Are helpful
Better, build self-awareness skills
First and foremost
Since, being self-aware is pre-condition
For learning to happen