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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

Where will National Education Policy (NEP) of 2020 take us!

After reading the critical analysis of the NEP-2020 published in Times of India (TOI: August 2, 2020, p.12)), by Professor Anita Rampal, Former Dean of Faculty of Education, University of Delhi, and getting inspired by her concluding paragraph, I wrote a limerick.

According to Rampal, the policy ‘fumbles’ by diverting ‘the discourse towards Learning Outcomes’ and ‘denial of basic right’ of children from the disadvantaged group, and lacks serious concern ‘to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education’ along with the ‘populist proposals of ‘easier board exams’ and ‘cuts in curriculum’.


Of NEP-2020, says Professor Anita Rampal

It has multiple pathways with lots of pits-n-falls


The shortened syllabi and easy exam tricks

Are sheer populist educational gimmicks


Uninspiring learning will push our children to wall

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