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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

Women to take center stage on International Women's Day at Farmers' protest site at Delhi border

On March 8, on the occasion of International Women's day, the women at farmers' protest against three farm acts passed by the Parliament, are going to hold a women's maha-rally. Earlier, they had organized the Mahila Kisan Diwas and asked women to collectivize.

It was on the 18th January, the protest site at Delhi boarder, observed Mahila Kisan Diwas to mark and highlight the contribution of women in the agriculture sector and enlist their support to the protest.

I had published an article on women' rights activism abstracted from a website for slideshare earlier, which is not available now. Here, I reproduce it, which goes as follows.

For the celebration of International Women's Day on March 8, the awareness campaigns, the websites and blogs dedicated to feminism, woman development, gender parity and gender equity have become active.

Stressing the need for collective efforts of all for gender parity, the website says, “Collective action and shared ownership for driving gender parity is what makes International Women's Day successful.”

Quoting Gloria Steinem, world-renowned feminist as saying "The story of women's struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist nor to any one organization but to the collective efforts of all who care about human rights", the website urges to make people to make the observance their day and do what can be done by them to truly make a positive difference for women.

The website is also running an International Women's Day campaign to build a strong global momentum striving for gender parity.

“And, while we know that gender parity won't happen overnight, the good news is that across the world women are making positive gains day by day. Plus, there's indeed a very strong and growing global movement of advocacy, activism and support,” it adds while making a strong call to motivate and unite friends, colleagues and whole communities to think, act and be gender inclusive.

According to the website, International Women's Day is all about unity, celebration, reflection, advocacy and action - whatever that looks like globally at a local level.

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