The work of Dr Lalit Inshore “In-service Training Area Preferences of Primary Teachers” published in The Educational Review <1998, CIV (12), 13-15> has been cited in the book “Teacher Education[1]” by Dr. J. R. Sonwane, Department of Education, M. K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar (Gujarat) which as been Published by

According to Kishore[2] (1998), in-service training is deemed as a competency building continuous education of teachers and educators for enhancing their professional skills and classroom performance resulting into improved learning outcomes of students.
According to Dr Lalit Kishore, primary teachers should be given intensive training in visual and verbal skills along with preparation of learning material in dual code,
[2] Kishore, L. (1998) In-service Training Area Preferences of Primary Teachers. The Educational Review, CIV (12), 13-15.