World Obesity Day-2021, March 4, was observed with the theme of ‘Every body Needs Everybody’ and WHO mentioned that obesity was 'not just an issue of weight but is a disease' and people with obesity needed 'respect, care, protection and policy change' and urged that 'everybody should come together to drive change.'
The four main objectives of the observance were to increase awareness, encourage advocacy, improve policies and share experiences or success stories. According to WHO, since 1970s, the rate of obesity has tripled and people from all ages are affected by the desease.
WHO has cautioned in its report "COVID-19 and Obesity: The 2021 Atlas" that was a high risk of death due to COVID-19 among people with obesity since novel corona virus being basically respiratory virus that adversely affected people with obesity more.
Doctors recommend the following for teen-agers to keep their body weight normal.
Enough physical activity and exercises of 60 minutes for weight maintenance.
screen-time up to 2 hours daily
eat only when hungry and slowly
use low-fat milk, fresh fruit, and vegetables
avoid soft drinks and snacks that are high in sugar and fat such as bakery items, toffees, chocolate, cakes, fried stuff and sweets
have a few small servings of fruits and salad daily
drink more water rather than beverages