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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

World Snake Day: Shed fears and myths to act for conservation of snakes

World Snake Day (July 16) is being observed to raise awareness about the significant role snakes play in maintaining ecological balance and dispel fears and myths about them

It is said that worldwide there are over 3,500 species of snakes with only 600 of them are poisonous. In Jaipur, Raksha NGO - an animal welfare organization - has been rescuing snakes and spreading awareness about their importance. They have rescued two snakes from our house over the years when requested.

"While snakes are threatened by many of the same issues that affect all wildlife (habitat loss, climate change, and disease), negative attitudes toward snakes may be the biggest barrier to their conservation because it often impedes efforts to address other threats," informs Snakes NGO, ASP.

Here are tips from 'Museums Victoria' to keep snakes out of your yard.

  • Remove potential food sources, in this case usually rodents. Keep your property rodent-free and snakes will have less to eat.

  • Remove open water sources. Snakes do find water attractive, and need to drink water regularly to survive.

  • Remove shelters, such as sheets of tin on the ground and piles of rocks or firewood.

  • Keep a clear area around your house. Make sure grass is cut low, remove fallen branches, and prune overgrown bushes. Most snakes prefer not to move across long stretches of open ground.

  • Patch up holes in buildings. Snakes will live under houses or outbuildings where the conditions are warm and dry, and can get through any gap larger than your thumb. Place wire mesh with holes no larger than 1cm square over all potential entry points.

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