The World Vitiligo Day is being observed today (June 25) to raise awareness about the loss of colour or pigment in the skin in patches. It is seen as a disorder and the people with living with vitiligo should not be stigmatised, ridiculed and shunned. However, with acceptance, multilateral therapy and health-care education. society can help people with this skin disorder to live with respect and dignity.
"Vitiligo causes the skin to lighten in patches across the face and body. It is an unpredictable, non-communicable, autoimmune skin disease that affects one in every hundred people to some degree. As yet, there is no known cure. The burden of vitiligo falls particularly hard on developing countries due to misdiagnosis of the disease, little or no access to effective treatments, and widespread stigmatization and discrimination," says Sotera Wireless [1].
According to medical science, vitiligo skin disorder is caused by lack of melanin skin pigment produced by melanocyte cells responsible for natural skin colour. lack of melanocyte cells leads white patches on skin or hair. however, cognitively such people are often above average and with acceptance and inclusion, they contribute to society with humility.
[1[ https://www.soterawireless.com/events/world-vitiligo-day