Fdocuments [1] has picked up the wtite-up of Jaipur based educator and researcher Dr Lalit Kishore "VALUES IN EDUCATION: A SKETCH NOTE BASED ON THE INTERACTION OF SPIRITUAL LEADER SRI SRI RAVI SHANKAR" for dissemination.
Kishore has also created a sketch note based on theinteraction of spiritual leader Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in Jaipur on October 31, 2014, which was attended by him along with Dr Anita Srivastava and some students of Prabha Kishore.
In his interaction, the spiritual leader said that the reform of ‘Values in Education’ should aim at restoring the human respect, honour and dignity that education has had historically meant to do as its aim,

Key points of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on “Values in Education” are as follows
Presently, the type of education being imparted has failed in fulfilling the real aim of life - happiness.
Values in Education are those elements and attributes of education that help students to live ‘a deeper and joyous life’.
Education has to become a joyful or stress-free experience so that human values can flourish in people and communities. Education needs to create thinking individual along with ‘a free, un-obsessed, anger-free and relaxed mind’
Only a human values oriented approach in education can impart true intelligence. The aim has to be that every child be enabled to grow up to be a well educated and happy human being
An infant child’s smile, joy and friendliness are unmatched which education system should preserve along with educating him or her.
Make learning experiences happen in a social environment of compassion, caring and sharing to ensure the innate virtues of a child flourish.
The learning environment of caring and sharing can create persons who would continue to be ‘friendly and giving’ even in a competitive environment.
An education system that builds self-esteem and creativity in children is said to be imbued with values.
When a child grows up with a sense of belonging towards everybody, he or she is ready to engage with the communities in a meaningful way. And by the time young graduates pass out of college, they learn well how to embrace their duties towards themselves, the nation and the world.
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