International Gita Seminar-2024 at Kurukshetra invites abstracts, papers and posters on its various sub-themes
The Kurukeshtra University and co-partners of the 9th International Gita Seminar (5-7 Dec have make a call to to academicians,...
The Kurukeshtra University and co-partners of the 9th International Gita Seminar (5-7 Dec have make a call to to academicians,...
School education appropriate spirituality: A sketch note ~Lalit Kiskore It has been found that integrative spirituality - the one that...
TECHNIQUE Dual coding technique training human mind to process information by combining text codes in language arts and visual codes ABC...
The 22nd National Science Fair of Vidya Bharti Schools is being held at Sarawati Balika Uchch Madhyamik Vidya Mandir, Jawahar Nagar-2 of...
QUOTES The highest function of education is to bring about an integrated individual who is capable of dealing with life as a whole. - J....
The paper of Jaipur based researcher Dr Lalit Inshore “A pedagogical experiment in doodle art in elementary grades” has been listed by...
Commonwealth CASTME Award Commendations were won by Dr Lalit Kishore for his innovative low-cost science education projects done in 1982...
According to the advocates and supporters of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, the policy focuses on a comprehensive and...
Teachers as action researchers: Sketch note, haiku and concluding statement ~Lalit Kishore Sketch note to read and reflect Haiku on...
~Lalit Kishore SKETCH NOTE ACROSTIC ON PRAYER P = Provides inner peace and equanimity R = Raises consciousness to higher levels A =...
Social pedagogy of spirituality: A sketch note and its ABCs ~Lalit Kishore A sketch note on social pedagogy of spirituality ABCs of...
According to Kishore (2024), when something becomes inevitable, there is a need to see see it as a challenge in the areas of personal,...
Some quotes on spirituality Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality. ― Carl Sagan...
Quotes on education Schools are designed on the assumption that there is a secret to everything in life; that the quality of life depends...
In order to promote teacher innovation the NCERT has modified its earlier scheme in tune with the National Education Policy 2020 that has...
In response to the abstract submission and its review, the International Conference hosted by Karela informed, "Congratulations! We are...
A & B OF GURU STYLE TEACHING AND LEARNING A: Acknowledging learning as innate potential of humans and diversity of learning styles and...
. The Buddha had called upon those striving to seek truth that they had to self-discover the existential truth instead of mouthing...
National Curriculum Framework for School Education (NCF-SE) has emphasized on enhancing Skill Education in classes VI to X as an integral...
The World Senior Citizen's Day (21 August; since 1991) is being observed to ‘ acknowledge the contributions of senior citizens and to...