The initiative of Art Integrated Learning (AIL) was encouraged by the CBSE-affiliated schools as teaching-learning model via 'learning through the arts' for disciplinary learning and 'learning with the arts' for trans-disciplinary learning. "The focus here should be to accept arts as medium of the learning process.
So the subject teachers may make use of simple art forms in the classrooms; and give opportunities to students to enjoy planned art activities and while they are experiencing beauty of arts, they also learn and articulate the core concept of different subjects and apply it in daily life," stated the CBSE.
"As a part of the thrust on experiential learning, art-integrated education will be embedded in classroom transactions not only for creating joyful classrooms, but also for imbibing the Indian ethos through integration of Indian art and culture in the teaching and learning process at every level," the model envisaged and suggested the experiential group projects for transaction the model. The teachers and students both are required for transdisciplinary projects.
The CBSE Circular No. Acad 33/2020 of May 14, 2020 along with reminding the school principals that various suggestive activities, projects, assignments and lesson plans have been made available at ttp:// It was urged that the subject teachers along with Arts teachers must plan and discuss the projects in advance at the beginning of the academic session so that students can be given proper guidance to undertake various projects.
"The focus should be given on research of new topics that are not yet taken up in the classroom. Teachers must facilitate exploration of research on the topics to give students hands-on experience... The project should be taken up in an eco-friendly manner, using readily available local resources without any financial burden on parents or guardians," suggested the circular.
The CBSE, while cautioning the schools stated that the objective of the initiative was not to promote arts and skills of arts but to use art as a tool to teach other subjects. "The focus here should be to accept arts as medium of the learning process. So the subject teachers may make use of simple art forms in the classrooms; and give opportunities to students to enjoy planned art activities and while they are experiencing beauty of arts, they also learn and articulate the core concept of different subjects and apply it in daily life," it added along with an insistence on a four-step procedure to carry out the project.
However, the COVID-19 pandemic forced the school closure with on-line learning as the new normal which worked as setback to the initiative.
