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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

Cross conventional worldly knowledge with self-knowledge to be autonomous learner: Non-poem

Crossing conventional worldly knowledge with self-knowledge


Conventional education -

Marked by

Wordiness, conditioning, cramming, conformity

Makes autonomous thinking impossible

Conventional education

Either human-mediated

Or machine-mediated

With prescribed classroom rigmaroles

Creates mediocre individuals

With mental inertia

Stuck with fears

Looking for

Material and psychic securities -

To lead futile sheltered - selfish-n-ignorant life

Conventional education

Destroys spontaneity

Snubs creativity

Kills sensitivities

And turns you

Into a societal cogwheel -

Ignorant of real purpose of human life

Unless and until...

Worldly knowledge

Is integrated with


Gained through

Awareness of one's own desires-thoughts-n-feelings

Followed by self-reflection

Leading to intuition and flashes of genius

To break mind's mould...

All education is futile

Disrupt conventional education ...

Cross worldly knowledge

With self-knowledge

To look beyond the confines of mind

Created by conventional education...

To become

Autonomous thinker

Autonomous learner

Liberated individual

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