Internet search engine giant Google celebrates its 22nd Birthday with an animated fun doodle saying on its website, "The partnership between Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin traces its roots to the sunny campus of Stanford University. As graduate students, the pair set out to improve the way people interacted with the wealth of information on the World Wide Web. In 1998, Google was born, and the rest is history. "
Thhe Doodle shows an animated G wearing a birthday hat and looking into a laptop with a gift box, a cake, and a box around it. The laptop screen shows G's friends (rest of the alphabets of Google) in four separate windows, in full celebratory mode.
According to Google, the now world-famous moniker is a play on a mathematical term that arose out of an unassuming stroll around the year 1920 with the mention of the name for a mind-boggling number 1 followed by 100 zeros which got named as a 'googol'.
Google informed that it was In 2006 that the word “Google” was officially added to the Oxford English Dictionary as a verb, so if you’d like to learn more about how big a googol really is, just Google it!