Most humans are visual learners, yet development of this potential is ignored in school education despite its being the most basic medium for cognitive and non-cognitive development.
There is a need to relate classroom instruction to visual literacy skills invariably for better understanding and retention of subject matter. Information in the form of visual symbols, graphics, diagrams, line drawings, minimal drawings, shape drawings, block diagrams, stick drawings, folk drawings, etc., are main vision-competencies and sight-vocabulary tools to integrate visuals with other sensory experiences for better cognitive and non-cognitive development.
The development of visual intelligence and visual competencies are basic to normal human learning as semi-concrete experiences. In order to formalize visual learning, a learning sheet for every lesson should be prepared and transacted in the classroom. For non-cognitive gains such as enhanced awareness, attentiveness and attention to details are the spill-over of successive drawing.
An example of 'visual learning sheet' on the topic of forest is as follows.