Dr Lalit Kishore of Jaipur with submission of entry "Towards reusing plastics trash of school and nearby villages for 'STEAM' education related to climate change awareness and sustainability” has been listed for Findel-CASTME award scheme competition for the year 2022 for which the results will be announced in January 2023 at the Association of Science Education (ASE) Conference [1] to be held at Sheffield Hallam University, UK, on 5-7 January.
The Fidel-CASTME award scheme is run by the Commonwealth Association of Science, Technology and Mathematics Educators (CASTME), for ‘sharing best practice across the STEM disciplines and to demonstrate the importance of STEM to local environments, schools and communities.

Awards are offered for educational projects, which address the social or human context of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).’
According to CASTME, any group or individual involved in any form of education in the widest senses, formal or informal, within societies can enter including pre-school, Primary school, Secondary school or tertiary education projects from college, university as well as from communities and community based organizations.
