The article of Dr Lalit Kishore [1], "A sketch note on reader’s theater and an action research abstract on training of resource persons on it" was reviewed. The article that includes a sketch note on reader' theatre making reading quick and effective because of combining visual codes and text codes which has been endorsed by his action research on its use during an inservice training of teachers.
"Not only, reader's theater is viable for mainstream elementary school learners to improve reading, articulation and communication skill being advocated as an importantant component life skills courses. However, for children with learning disabilities, adapted 4-line pagges and micro-poems of 2 to 6 lines should be adapted," is the review comment.
The abstract of Dr Kishore's action research goes ad follows.
A sketch note on reader’s theater and an action research abstract on training of resource persons on it
"A two day training of resource persons (N=10, age=30-45 years,elementary teacher educators) by the investigator as a facilitator. Objectives the training were: (1) to prepare the material for body language (50 sign language gestures) and reading passages (n=20) from the textbooks of late primary classes; (2) To train participants in the skill of using gestures and articulation to read the passages to an audience; (3) To know the reactions of the participants to the training; and (4) To prepare one month zero-hour intervention for grade three and four. The first day of the training consisted of the ice breaking activities of statue and mirror which were followed by modeling by the facilitator and guided practice by the participants. The second day was devoted to corrective feedback and individual presentations followed by preparing a work plan for the school-based intervention. The participants’ reactions were significantly favourable (N=10, p< 0.05, DF=2) on chi-square test.
Keywords: Reader’s theatre, body language, sign language, gesticulation, ice breaking, articulation."
To make a sense of reader's theatre, read the following sketch note.
