In a workshop organized for KVS teachers, resource person Dr Lalit Kishore, in his opening remark said," Since most learners are visual learners, the classroom instructors have to be reasonably competent at visual literacy and visual codes drawing skills to make teaching effective to result into better learning outcomes. Keeping this in view, the teachers are needed to be facilitated in drawing visual codes through workshops and training for drawing skills related to stick drawing, line drawing, diagram makings and graphics to become visually literate to function well in the classroom."
Half-day workshop gave a flavour of drawing stick figures; visual codes of common nouns and action; and shape drawings to make chalkboard illustrations lively by combining text and visual codes [1] (please read inset picture to excite your visual intelligence).
It was reminded to the participants the the proponent of multiple intelligence Harward Gardner views visual-spatial intelligence as an individual's ability to perceive, receive, analyze, and make sense of visual information or data being communicated or being experienced directly leading to it's picturization in the their mind's eye or formation of memory neural paths.