Schools must take up eye-testing & eye-hand coordination development activities on World Sight Day
Each year on October 14, World Sight Day to awareness about eye health and regular care of eyesight. This year, the theme of the...
Each year on October 14, World Sight Day to awareness about eye health and regular care of eyesight. This year, the theme of the...
A three-hour teachers’ workshop was held during pre-pandemic period in 2019 for creating an experiential learning framework for the...
As a pedagogical initiative for cross-curricular learning, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has been promoting the...
Each year, the UN proclaimed International Day of the Girl Child is observed on 11th October. This year, the UN Secretary General, in...
NON-POEM Reimagine –n-reconceptualise / Special educators’ training - / Enable them to design learning / Across the ability spectrum Let...
On the occasion of World Mental Health Day (WMHD)-2021, WHO[1] through a report has raised concerns regarding global shortfall in...
Che Guevara (14 June 1928– 9 October 1967; died young at 39), a doctor by education and training in Argentine, got disenchanted by...
According to Visual Teaching Alliance [1], studies confirm the power of visuals to engage audience in learning including eLearning while...
The broken line drawing is in the form of dashes that can have many advantages while working working with children with special needs...
Presenting his paper at National Conference in 2019 on “Education of Persons with Disabilities: Reality, Reflection and Reforms”, Dr....
"Well structured multi-grade teaching in vertically grouped small schools requires a robust training of teachers and support system...
Coordinated by the WHO, World Mental Health Day-2021 is going to be observed on October 10 with the theme "Mental health care for all:...
Each year, the World Mental Health Day (October 10) is observed with an objective 'to raise awareness of mental health issues around the...
Dysgrahia, a writing disability, is a neurological or a nervous system (brain-related) condition that affects adversely the fine motor...
A seminar is more like a class, in which a topic is discussed by a teacher, invited experts (together called seminar faculty) and a small...
This year, the month of October is being marked by Navratri and Dussera in which Devi Stotras are chanted and Epic of Ramayana is...
The article of Dr Lalit Kishore [1], "A sketch note on reader’s theater and an action research abstract on training of resource persons...
Sun Flare Photography is practiced by professional photographers beyond the golden hours to create great pictures of the sun as the...
Each year, the World Animal Day ia observed on October 4 which was founded in 1925 by German writer and animal activist Heinrich...
My clinical studies and interventions which showed promise suggests that most children with dysgraphia are slow visual-verbal learners...