Significance of drawing with numbers for pre-school kids and children with learning disabilities
At early education stage and for children with learning disabilities, instead of free drawing and painting, there is a need of giving...
At early education stage and for children with learning disabilities, instead of free drawing and painting, there is a need of giving...
The followers of Jainism celebrate Moksha Kalyanaka of their 24th Tirthankara Lord Mahavira as Diwali in solemn way. It was on the day...
Singh and Kishore [1] in the one-page document "Learning: Concept Matrix & Role of Teachers Bal Sansar Santha, Jaipur" highlight that...
“In India and many other countries, multigrade small schools situation abounds in remote small habitations, hilly tribal villages and...
The low cost science activities book “Let’s put things Together” [1] authored by LALIT KISHORE and ANVAR ZAFRI and published by National...
The social media service site has put Lalit Kishore's video on Straw Hydrometer [1] on the internet. According to Wikipedia. 'Pinterest...
Since education is a social process, it has often has two aspects attached to it, namely, 'learning environment. and learning...
Tearing paper slowly and systematically as an experiential intervention can be helpful for pre-school and differently abled kids to build...
Art therapy is a protocol-based designed intervention by a certified practitioner who incorporates some elements of creative expression...
दिशा संस्था के डॉ किशोरको कला के शैक्षिक संयोजन के लिए मिला सम्मान जयपुर: दिव्यांग बच्चों की शिक्षा एवं सेवा के लिए प्रतिबद्ध दिशा...
Many social scientists, educational activists and meaningful thinkers feel that education has been privatized, commoditized and...
Swedish massage is a gentle tissue massage around muscles (not on muscles) which enhances blood in muscles along with inducing sensory...
For mild and moderate dysgraphic children as well old people with hand tremor problem, the pincer grasp strengthening with early...
Jaipur based multidisciplinary team consisting of Prabha Awasthi (Language Teacher), Dr Rajiv Agrawal (Medical Practitioner) and Dr Lalit...
Andragogy is an adult-focused 'art, craft and science of teaching-and-learning' that helps adults to learn. It short, andragogy is the...
International Conference on Special Education is being organized on July 29-30, 2022 in Istanbul, Turkey, with submission deadline of...
International Conference on Special Needs Education (ICSNE 2022) is going to be organized on November 01-02, 2022 in San Francisco,...
"We practice imitative group singing of old melodies of Hindi films for more than hour daily in a park to enhance our lung functions and...
Both singing and instrumental music are found to be good for mental health, general well being and helpful in enhancing cognitive skills...
Merinews article by Lalit Kishore has been listed in "My Play Therapy Page" blog as reading material. The article "Make education key...