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Learn to draw Santa's face

Learn to draw Santa's face this Christmas Dr. Lalit Kishore | 26 Dec 2012 Christmas is already here, many want to learn how to draw the...

Garden photography: Basic guidelines

Garden photography: Basic guidelines Dr. Lalit Kishore | 21 Nov 2011 Most times, people take photographs of individual flowering plants...

A limerick on sleazy saints

A limerick on sleazy saints Dr. Lalit Kishore | 07 Mar 2010 Here is a limerick describing the recent media expose’ of sleazy god men....

Need for gender budgeting stressed

Report: No Connection between Woman and Plans -Dr. Lalit Kishore | 05 Sep 2009 While emphasizing the inclusion of women's view points and...

Worldwide observance of Nowruz festival

World celebrates Nowruz festival on March 21 Dr. Lalit Kishore | 23 Mar 2015 Nowruz festival that marks the beginning of the New Year is...

India's First Endemic Bird Day

India celebrates its first Endemic Bird Day - Dr. Lalit Kishore | 11 May 2015 May 9 this year was marked as the first Endemic Bird Day...

My Studies: Blog2
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